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100,00 (OI)
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Trong trường hợp đề bài hiển thị không chính xác, bạn có thể tải đề bài tại đây: Đề bài
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minh nghi la chung ta nen dung random, xet them 1 vai truong hop co the ra 2 so nx la xong
lam theo may man:
100 test case lỗi thời gian
Test case #1: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.495s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #2: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.328s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #3: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.333s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #4: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.294s, 1.66 MB] (0/1) Test case #5: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.355s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #6: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.314s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #7: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.311s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #8: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.304s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #9: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.298s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #10: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.321s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #11: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.336s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #12: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.343s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #13: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.310s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #14: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.336s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #15: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.349s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #16: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.335s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #17: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.343s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #18: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.349s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #19: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.273s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #20: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.283s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #21: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.273s, 1.63 MB] (0/1) Test case #22: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.335s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #23: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.299s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #24: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.327s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #25: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.271s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #26: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.297s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #27: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.306s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #28: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.345s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #29: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.334s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #30: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.270s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #31: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.246s, 1.63 MB] (0/1) Test case #32: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.297s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #33: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.333s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #34: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.311s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #35: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.330s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #36: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.353s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #37: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.374s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #38: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.359s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #39: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.355s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #40: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.343s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #41: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.351s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #42: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.332s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #43: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.322s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #44: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.317s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #45: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.320s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #46: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.311s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #47: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.289s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #48: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.308s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #49: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.292s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #50: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.287s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #51: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.292s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #52: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.280s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #53: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.277s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #54: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.278s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #55: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.279s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #56: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.308s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #57: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.318s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #58: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.313s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #59: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.307s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #60: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.312s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #61: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.277s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #62: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.311s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #63: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.233s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #64: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.243s, 1.63 MB] (0/1) Test case #65: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.271s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #66: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.263s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #67: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.256s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #68: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.251s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #69: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.311s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #70: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.292s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #71: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.292s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #72: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.290s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #73: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.337s, 1.63 MB] (0/1) Test case #74: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.319s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #75: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.335s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #76: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.289s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #77: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.274s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #78: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.306s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #79: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.306s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #80: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.283s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #81: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.364s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #82: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.360s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #83: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.285s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #84: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.293s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #85: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.283s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #86: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.317s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #87: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.335s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #88: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.318s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #89: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.293s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #90: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.367s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #91: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.385s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #92: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.371s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #93: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.328s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #94: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.350s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #95: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.329s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #96: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.345s, 1.63 MB] (0/1) Test case #97: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.344s, 1.65 MB] (0/1) Test case #98: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.319s, 1.64 MB] (0/1) Test case #99: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.297s, 1.71 MB] (0/1) Test case #100: Runtime Error (segmentation fault) [0.346s, 1.65 MB] (0/1)
Cái này chắc phải dùng mạng neural, tui dù mới học thôi nhưng tui nghĩ nó khả quan
hoặc là scratch,vẽ hình ra rồi cho xem trang phục nào khớp
→ Code 10/100 =))
xài AI cũng có 10/100, thật sự là bài này khó thật, không biết do tôi không hiểu bài hay bài này khó quá. Nói chung là ai có đáp án cho tôi xin về đọc :)
Hết cứu rồi mn ơi :((
Làm thế nào nhỉ?
tỉ lệ để random được 100 test là (1/10)^100
Có ai có thể gửi file code cho tôi về học đc ko?
Bài này xài Scratch đc ko vậy mọi người?
"dc, chứ"
vậy bạn gửi giúp tôi với
mik cho vào "" rồi đó bạn
là sao vậy? Nếu bạn có tài khoản scratch thì chia sẻ và nói cho mình biết tên tài khoản của bạn để mình xem! :)
đùa thôi :))))))
Brrr... Đùa quá không hay nha bạn!
Cứu với, ko biết cách giải
bài này làm sao vậy dùng random à
Anyone who accomplish this is infinite IQ.
Pls say with me it's impossible
idk it's impossible or not i think it's for experts
bài này tôi nghĩ chắc phải dùng mạng lưới neuron 🤔
mọi người toàn nói tiếng anh à tôi ko biết gì hết nhưng tôi có google dịch he
oh toàn tiếng anh là chính
Tỉ lệ xuất hiện các con số và thuật toán random (cho những ai cần): (\n) Tỉ lệ xuất hiện: Mỗi số xuất hiện 10 lần 0_o (\n) Random: Tùy vào tỉ lệ, dùng hết may mắn của năm thì 100 còn xui nhất sv thì 0=)))) (2 -> 16 (11 Submissions) for me)
12 Submissions
chỉ có 11 cái là mình dùng random nên mình ghi vậy nha bạn
Bruh its Impossible ;-; Who even came up with this idea????
Bình luận này đã bị ẩn vì có quá nhiều phản ứng tiêu cực. Nhấn để xem.
and it harder than anything harder the space
I found this module called skikit-learn but we cannot use modules so...
How is this even possible 💀💀💀
Bình luận này đã bị ẩn vì có quá nhiều phản ứng tiêu cực. Nhấn để xem.
Bình luận này đã bị ẩn vì có quá nhiều phản ứng tiêu cực. Nhấn để xem.